The right to remember and know

Chronology of the colonization of the
Buryat- Mongols 1629-1727

The main reason for the advance of the Russian Empire in Siberia was the thirst for profit. In the 16th century fur stocks in the Urals began to dry up, and Muscovy sent colonizers further east to seize fur inheritances, as well as enslave the Siberian peoples 
to pay yasak . 
The Income from the export of soft gold accounted for one third of the Moscow budget.

in Russian school, in history lessons, they taught us that the Siberian natives were voluntarily annexed, voluntarily baptized and voluntarily russified. It is a time to review this colonial views.

English version will follow soon.

Based on
A. Okladnikov Etudes sur l'histore des bouriat-mongols occidentaux. (17-18c)
V. Khamutaev Accession of Buryatia to Russia.
History, law, politics. Ulan-Ude, 2012

The publication was produced within the n-ost project "Decolonising Journalism" developed in cooperation with JX Fund and supported by the German Government Commissioner for Media and Culture (BKM)

Anti-Imperial resistance

After October Revolution bolsheviks established new national states as a part of anti-imperial politic. But a decade later they started red terror, the new national intellectual elite has been imprisoned, repressed and killed.




Illustrations for children